After writing my last post about how we are enrolled in DTE’s Green Currents program, I was curious about what sorts of programs other electric companies were offering in support of renewable energy and energy efficiency. I found a list of the top 10 electric companies in terms of population served and looked into what each of them had to offer. I thought I’d share the list here in case anyone out there is interested in putting some of their electricity dollars into renewables as well.
1. Pacific Gas and Electric – PG&E offers financial help to customers who want to install their own solar panels and allows you to sell extra electricity back to them.
2. Southern California Edison – SCE provides about 19.9% renewable power across the board. They also provide rebates for evaporators (alternative to air conditioning), and give cash incentives for installing your own electric generating equipment.
3. Florida Power and Light – FPL has been installing smart meters across Florida since 2010. Once your house has a smart meter you are able to pay a variable rate for your electricity, allowing you to pay less for off peak use.
4. Commonwealth Edison – ComEd is also installing smart meters for their customers.
5. Consolidated Edison – ConEd provides rebates for upgrading to more energy efficient appliances and has a time of use program that provides variable rates depending on when you use electricity.
6. Georgia Power – GP has Green Energy and Premium Green Energy programs similar to DTE’s Green Currents program. Their customers pay a bit extra each much to get their electricity from biomass and solar power. At least 50% of the electricity comes from solar.
7. Dominion Resources – I couldn’t find any renewable energy information on Dominion Resources website. Does anyone have them as their electric company and know if they offer any programs?
8. Public Service Enterprise Group – PSEG provides loans for customers who want to install solar panels.
9. Energy Future Holdings – TXU has a program called Energy Texas Choice 12 which allows customers to lock in a 12 month flat rate and buy 100% wind power. They also have a program called Distributed Renewable Generation, where they will buy surplus energy from customers that produce their own electricity.
10. Xcel Energy – Xcel’s offerings vary based on state, but most states have a program called Windsource, which allows to pay extra to buy up to 100% wind power. In Minnesota they also are looking to start a Solar Gardens program, which will allow groups of customers to go in on solar panel arrays together.